My grandma who is now in god's hands was the queen at everything she did. She was the best at cooking it was funny because my dad and his siblings tried to get her secret recipe, she finally gave my dad the recipes you's should of seen my my dad's face he was very greatful. My beautiful nana called me over to the sitting room, for a second I thought I was going to get in trouble but she just wanted to know how school and sports was for me. My nana said to me that school for her wasn't easy, I told her that I know how she feels. My nana looked at me with anger and she said " Siaosi when you play sports and games gets hard, the other team is cheating and you are angry do you give up"? I said to her no never "well you do the same with school".
R.I.P(Rest .In .Paradise) it was time my family and I travelled down to Wellington to get ready for the funeral, it was really nice meeting new families down Wellington. My chore was baby sitting with my two cousins trust me it's never easy baby sitting a Lealiifano and a Puleaga Child. They are all naughty like their dad's. As the week went past it was time to carry nana to the church, The youngest child out of my dad had a idea for all the grand kids to carry my nana into the church. I was really happy that I got to carried my nana into the church and got to say a prayer for her. It was like this wise man said to me "everything beautiful and carrying comes and goes but always remember them thought out the hard times" I really do miss my nana but at least she is not is pain anymore.

Hey Siaosi, sorry for you and your family but at least she is resting well with god. But know that she is with you all the way. No worries.